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Things To Leave Behind When Moving Home

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Buying or renting a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful and difficult when you have a lot of furniture and other belongings to move from your old place to the new. To make moving as easy as possible, it is a good idea to be as well organised, and this includes in the weeks running up to the big day itself.

One of the things people struggle with the most when moving is deciding what to keep and what to leave behind. We collect many things over the years, and it’s tempting to keep things that have sentimental value, or even just because ‘we might use it one day’. However, keeping everything you own means you have to transport it all, and this is time-consuming and unnecessary. Here are the items you should leave behind when moving.


Let’s face it, we all have too many clothes. If you have clothes that don’t fit, but you’re keeping them ‘just in case’, it’s time to face the music and get rid. If they’re new and unused, why not sell them online? Or if you have old clothes you no longer wear, donate them to charity and give them to somebody who will. A good rule here is to go through your wardrobe and throw out/sell/donate anything you haven’t worn in the past six months.


Bedding is surprisingly bulky, and can take up a lot of room in the moving van. Plus, it’s possible you’re due a new mattress and quilt (and covers) now anyway, so why not get rid of the old, and treat yourself to some brand new ones? Think about how amazing it will feel to crawl into bed with fresh, new bedding on it, after a long day of moving!

Old furniture

Something else that is bulky and heavy is old furniture. Moving is the perfect opportunity to say goodbye to furniture you have had for years and is looking a little worse for wear. Ask around your family and friends, and see if there is anybody who will take it off your hands, and if not, this is something else that will be great to donate. Take the furniture that’s in good shape to a charity shop, and let them sell it on.

Old electronic items

When was the last time you used your DVD player, or your games console? You will easily be able to sell electronic items that are in good shape. You can sell DVDs in bulk online, or take them to an exchange/2nd hand shop who will happily take them off you and pay you a small sum. Or if you’re feeling generous, why not give them away? Your local library will always be happy to receive donations.


There’s a good chance that a move to a new house means upgrading your appliances, so say goodbye to your old toaster and kettle, and maybe even your refrigerator. If they’re still functioning, why not donate these, too? Places such as homeless shelters or community centres will probably appreciate them.


One of the things we are all most guilty of hoarding is paperwork. Old bills, bank statements, and other papers often build up, and are shoved in a draw where you forget about them. Now is the perfect time to go through and sort out what paperwork you need, and what you can get rid of. For security, always make sure you shred paperwork with sensitive data on.

Everything in your junk drawer/cupboard/shed/garage

We all know ‘the draw’ (or cupboard, or maybe entire room); it’s where the miscellaneous items with no other home, otherwise known as junk, goes to live. You probably don’t even know what’s in there anymore, it’s just full of things that you got sick of seeing lying around, and so shoved them out of sight. It’s mainly things like loose batteries, blu tack, lint rollers, spare sets of keys, old remote controls, and other assorted random items.  If you have the time and/or patience, go through through the contents and set aside those things that you actually have a use for, and throw the rest.  

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